They will know we are Christians by our love.

I value mentorship.
The investment into another person’s life can empower them to believe in themselves, in their dream of achieving something great or in their own worth to value themselves.
To answer that question most women struggle with, “am I worth it?” can be so pivotal in a young lady’s life. If I can motivate someone to feel valuable because they realize exactly what Jesus did for us, then I am motivated to continue on in the adventure of mentorship.
But, ya know, this doesn’t happen right away. No young girl will be blind to a fake love of “atta girls” and “you can do its”.  This takes time. Investment takes time. True mentoring relationship takes time; sacrificial time. YoungLives_January-37
  I have recently committed to serving along Young Lives by attending club and meeting young moms at school, helping with homework and exchanging stories.  Some of these stories would seem shocking at first, but while listening, I hear a whisper, “just listen and love. Listen and love.” No judgment. No problem solving. No  “Lemme tell you about Jesus now.” I trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit and this relationship I am building with my mentee is not a slice of a ministry pie, that only takes up so much time. It is a friendship; and it might be the pie filling, it might take up more time than scheduled on my ICalendar.  It might be late night texts, or unexpected rides, or extended meals, or invitations to each other’s home. “They will know we are Christians by our love.”
    How will they be open to the amazing news of Christ if He is not first exemplified in your life and in that relationship?  How will they relearn true love, because it was never properly showed to them in their household upbringing, if they don’t first see your loving actions? How will anyone be motivated to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit if they are not tasting yours? They will see Christ, by your love. They will know Christ, by your love.
They will want Christ, by your love. Be not mistaken, this doesn’t all ride on you. Our Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of our precious little sisters while we pray for Him to do so. He is ultimately the One that reveals Himself, but He can be so seen in our lives.
Take the time to listen, prayerfully seeking the Holy Spirit’s guiding while spending selfless time with these young ladies.
   Commit to the process, and in His timing be bold to tell the good news of peace in Jesus through the salvation He offers by His death on the cross and resurrection to new life.   And be excited for what God will do through you, the humble little servant whom faithfully shows up to pour out and really love. I mean really love!
  • Becca Turose


Calling All Santa Ana Volunteers

We would love for some volunteers to join our team and serve the new Santa Ana YoungLives club. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Newsong Church.


What is YoungLives?
YoungLives is focused on building relationships with teen moms and dads by entering their world, modeling unconditional love, and encouraging them to become the men and women, and fathers and mothers, God created them to be. Through one-on-one mentoring, monthly clubs and annual camps, teen moms and dads are empowered to make positive choices, set and achieve goals, and live a future rooted in Christ.

Volunteers serve as mentors, meeting one-on-one with teen moms or dads twice a month, or at monthly clubs, assisting with food, crafts, decorations, music or childcare. We also have several special events throughout the year and fundraising opportunities for volunteers looking for other ways to serve in this ministry. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at

Walk with a teen mom or dad for one school year.  This often looks like doing things together such as going to the park, sharing your story with them or helping them register for college classes. Your mentor relationship depends on you and your mentee’s needs and can often look different from person to person.

Commitment: Meet twice monthly with your mentee, attend Club (1st Tuesday of each month), and mentor meetings (2nd Thursday of each month). Complete and pass a background check, driver questionnaire and faith and conduct agreement.

Love holding babies or playing with toddlers? This is the perfect place for you to serve. We offer childcare at our once a month clubs and at special occasions (like prom).

Commitment: Once a month, be on a team of  that loves on babies and toddlers while their moms and dads enjoy a craft, music, and speaker. Club happens the 1st Tuesday of each month in Santa Ana. Once a year, help with YoungLives Prom childcare. Complete and pass a background check and sign a faith and conduct agreement.

Food Team
Prepare a home-cooked meal for the teen parents, children and volunteers to enjoy at club on the first Tuesday of each month. Many of them would say that this is the best meal they have all month- great food and great company all in one.

Commitment:  First Tuesday of each month. Join a team that has a heart for service and enjoys being in the kitchen. With your team plan meals for upcoming clubs and work together each month to cook up a meal within the budget whether it is spaghetti, enchiladas, or one of your family recipes.

Music TeamHelp break down barriers by leading us in song at club! Singers and musicians welcome

Commitment: Work within provided music/song selection guidelines to create a fun atmosphere along with other team members. Bring your own instruments and provide lyrics for club each month.

Capture memories by taking pictures of the teen parents and their growing children and all of the fun things we get to do at club.

Commitment: Take pictures on the first Tuesday of each month and provide them via SD card or online within 3-4days.

Decorations Team
Set the stage by decorating the tables according to the month’s theme- Bach to School, Christmas, Valentines etc. This added touch says “you are welcome here.”

Commitment: Work within budget to purchase decorations and arrive at 5pm on the first Tuesday of each month to set-up.

Craft Team
Lead teen moms and mentors in a fun craft at club. This gives us an opportunity to bond while learning how to make something.

Commitment: Work within budget to provide 20 minute craft. Purchase supplies in advance and arrive early on the first Tuesday of each month to set-up.

Other Roles
Sound tech, set-up, tear-down, childcare coordinator, donations coordinator, committee member etc.


Our First Santa Ana Club!

A little update on how our first Santa Ana club went last night! We had about 10 teens show up, girls and guys. It started out just a couple people and more and more came throughout the night. It’s so cool to see how the body of Christ comes through whether it was praying for us or showing up to volunteer last minute or coming for the first time ever to serve. I was blown away by the volunteers and their willingness to be thrown in wherever they were needed!  We had good food, a great band play for us, a super fun game of group rock-paper-scissors!IMG_1009 I had the privilege of sharing my story for the first time at YoungLives, and that was awesome! Towards the end the girls got to do a fun craft and make really nice blankets, and the guys played ping pong and cards! Over all everyone had a great time and said they can’t wait for next month! Please keep Santa Ana in your prayers as we continue the Lords work there.Thank you all for partnering in prayer and for supporting YoungLives Santa Ana! IMG_0993
-Kylie Bradley